PowerIK::GroundSettings Struct

struct POWERIK_LIB_API GroundSettings

The settings used control ground alignment. These settings have no effect unless at least 1 effector has IsGrounded on.

Vec3 Normal

Vector that is normal to the ground surface. Default is +Z.

Vec3 StrideDirection

Normalized vector that describes the direction of travel.

float MaxGroundAngle

Maximum angle relative to gravity vector to apply leaning and stride scaling.

bool ScaleStride

If true, stride of IsGrounded effectors will be scaled in Stride Direction.

float UphillStrideScale

Amount to scale stride when going uphill. Range is 0-1. Default 0.4.

float DownhillStrideScale

Amount to scale stride when going downhill. Range is 0-1. Default 0.2.

float SidehillStrideScale

Amount to scale stride when on a side-hill. Range is 0-1. Default 1.0.

float SidehillPushOuterFeet

Amount (in centimeters) to push outside feet outwards on sidehills. Default is 20.0.

float SidehillPushInnerFeet

Amount (in centimeters) to push inside feet outwards on sidehills. Default is 10.0.

bool Lean

If True, character root bone is rotated in opposite direction of ground normal.

float UphillLean

Amount to lean forward when going uphill. Range is 0-1. Default 0.3.

float DownhillLean

Amount to lean backward when going downhill. Range is 0-1. Default 0.5.

float SidehillLean

Amount to lean sideways into side-hills. Range is 0-1. Default 0.0.

bool CounterLean

If True, will counter lean CounterLeanBone. Usually this is the head.

const char* CounterLeanBoneName

Name of base of counter lean bone. Usually this is the base Head bone.

float UphillCounterLean

Amount to counter lean backward when going uphill. Range is 0-1. Default 0.8.

float DownhillCounterLean

Amount to counter lean backward when going downhill. Range is 0-1. Default 1.0.

float SidehillCounterLean

Amount to counter lean sideways into side-hills. Range is 0-1. Default 0.0.

bool MoveRoot

If True, character root bone position is gradually pushed vertically and horizontally.

float UphillVertOffset

Amount (in centimeters) to push the character root up/down when going UP hill. Default 10.0.

float UphillHorizOffset

Amount (in centimeters) to push the character root forward/back when going UP hill. Default -20.0.

float DownhillVertOffset

Amount (in centimeters) to push the character root up/down when going DOWN hill. Default 10.0.

float DownhillHorizOffset

Amount (in centimeters) to push the character root forward/back when going DOWN hill. Default 20.0.

float SidehillVertOffset

Amount (in centimeters) to push the character root up/down when on a SIDE hill. Default -10.0.

float SidehillHorizOffset

Amount (in centimeters) to push the character root forward/back when on a SIDE hill. Default -10.0.

bool RotateFootToGround

If True, feet are oriented to ground normal.

float PitchFootAmount

Amount to pitch foot to orient to up/down hills. Range is 0-1. Default 1.0.

float RollFootAmount

Amount to roll foot to orient to sidehills. Range is 0-1. Default 0.6.